SUSANA GIMENEZ: unboxing video

SUSANA GIMENEZ: unboxing video

The lovely Susana Giménez is the biggest celebrity in Argentine television, the Oprah Winfrey or Raffaella Carrà of South America. She interviewed Javier Parisi on her show, falling in love with his John Lennon leather cap (designed by me) and the whole story of how we met. Susana said she would love to have a cap in her size so I sent one over to Buenos Aires and here she is unboxing it, live on television!

She wrote me the sweetest note: "Dear Helen, at last I have the incredible gorra of your unforgettable brother John! Javier Parisi told us you are a beautiful person and he was right. Helen, if I go to England, I will visit you, to have a cup of tea together. Thank you, thank you , thank you. All my love, Susana."

Discover more about Susana here:

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